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Donation Tiers
Friends of Mole FM: $10 – Your name will be listed on our website as a contributor.
Mole FM Advocates: $50 – Get a shoutout on air and your name listed on our website.
Mole FM Champions: $100 – All the above plus a Mole FM merchandise pack.
Mole FM Benefactors: $500 – All the above plus an invitation to our annual Mole FM community event.
Mole FM Visionaries: $1000 – All the above plus a special feature on our radio station.
Every Bit Helps
Whether you donate $5 or $500, every little bit helps us reach our goal. Together, we can make Mole St Nicolas a more connected and empowered community.
How to Donate
Visit www.molefm.com/donate to make your donation today. Let’s connect every corner of Mole St Nicolas to the global community.
Stay Tuned
Subscribe to the Mole FM’s YouTube channel for updates on our campaign and to see the impact of your contribution.
Together, we can build a connected and empowered Mole St Nicolas. Donate today!

Donation Form

$3 266 of $10 000 raised
Support Free Community WiFi in Mole St Nicolas with Mole FM 94.5
Join Our Mission
Mole FM 94.5 is more than a radio station – we are a community. In our continuous endeavour to empower and unite the people of Mole St Nicolas, we are launching a campaign to provide free WiFi across our community. This service will open doors to endless opportunities for knowledge, growth, and connection.
Why Free WiFi?
In today’s world, the internet is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. It’s where students learn, businesses thrive, and communities connect. Yet, too many in Mole St Nicolas are without this critical tool. By providing free WiFi, we can bridge this digital divide and create a community that is more informed, educated and engaged.
Your Impact
Your generous donation will help us raise $10,000 to install and maintain robust WiFi hotspots in key community areas. These hotspots will provide reliable and fast internet access to everyone – absolutely free.
Select Payment Method
Personal Info

Donation Total: $10

We are an independent, non-profit, online radio broadcasting 24/7 Live from Mole St Nicolas, Haiti

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